Empowering Youth Voices: A Look Back at Regional Training Three in Tanzania and the Youth at the UN Forum

In the heart of East Africa, a powerful gathering of young leaders Africa marked a significant milestone in the journey towards sustainable development and youth empowerment. The recently concluded Regional Training Three in Tanzania, part of the Africa United Nations Youth Delegates (AUNYD) program hosted by the UNA- Tanzania was a testament to the vibrant energy and unwavering commitment of African youth to drive change and shape a better future. 

An ongoing session during the Regional Training

The Regional Training Three: Uniting for Impact 

Held in the bustling city of Dar es Salaam, the Regional Training Three brought together youth delegates and mentors from six African countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan, and South Sudan. This diverse group of young leaders convened to refine their mandates, enhance their advocacy skills, and prepare for the upcoming United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and the Summit of the Future. 

One of the highlights of the training was the "Mandate Game," an interactive activity designed to foster unity and collaboration among the delegates. By jointly refining the position paper for the Pact for the Future, the delegates not only strengthened their collective voice but also deepened their understanding of the critical issues facing their respective countries. The youth delegates were able to refine their mandates under key themes such as youth peace and security, meaningful youth engagement in decision-making processes, and addressing youth unemployment. 


 As the Kenyan delegate explained, "By jointly refining the position paper, we ensure that our voices are unified, and our message is strong as we advocate for sustainable development at the UN level." 

Kenyan UN Youth Delegate sharing his remarks during the Training

The training also included a comprehensive simulation exercise, which provided delegates with a realistic experience of international negotiations and decision-making processes. This simulation helped them better understand the complexities of global diplomacy and equipped them with the skills needed to navigate such environments effectively. 

To personalize their mandates and enhance their storytelling abilities, the delegates participated in a storytelling session. This session enabled them to share their personal journeys and experiences, creating a powerful narrative of youth leadership and resilience. Understanding how to personalize their mandates was crucial in ensuring that their advocacy efforts were relatable and impactful. 

During the session, the youth delegates provided updates on their respective outreach campaigns, highlighting the efforts to engage local communities and promote the SDGs. They shared successes, challenges and plans, demonstrating their commitment to driving sustainable development and ensuring no one is left behind. Their updates showcase the impact of grassroots initiatives and the importance of youth involvement in achieving the SDGs. 

During the presentation of the Outreach Campaigns

In addition to the mandate game, simulation, Country Updates on Outreach Campaigns and storytelling sessions, the training featured hands-on media interview sessions, allowing the delegates to hone their communication skills and effectively articulate their perspectives. These sessions were complemented by workshops on strategic communication and policy advocacy, equipping the delegates with the knowledge and skills needed to drive positive change in their communities. 

A media interview session to hone the delegates' communication skills

The Youth at the UN Forum: Amplifying Voices on a Global Stage 

As the delegates gear up for the UNGA and the Summit of the Future, their participation in the African Youth at the UN Forum has been instrumental in amplifying their voices at the regional and global levels. The forum provided a platform for the delegates to engage with international stakeholders, share their insights, and contribute to the global dialogue on sustainable development. 

During the forum, the delegates had the opportunity to engage with their respective ambassadors and other key stakeholders, fostering meaningful connections and collaborations. The culmination of the Youth at the UN Forum saw the delegates receive their respective country flags, symbolizing their readiness to represent their nations on the global stage. The event also included an insightful panel discussion on "Shaping the Future," where keynote speakers highlighted the pivotal role of youth in driving sustainable development and emphasized the importance of inclusive and participatory governance. 

Kenyan Youth at the UN Forum in Tanzania

 Looking Ahead: A Unified Voice for Sustainable Development 

The Regional Training Three in Tanzania and the Youth at the UN Forum have not only empowered the delegates but also reinforced the critical role of youth in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As they prepare to take their place at the UNGA and the Summit of the Future, these young leaders are poised to make a significant impact on the global stage. 

Sharing the Youth Mandates' presentation at the UN Forum in Tanzania

By amplifying the voices of young people and ensuring their active participation in decision-making processes, we are paving the way for a more equitable and sustainable future. 

As we look forward to the upcoming events, we remain committed to supporting and empowering our youth delegates, fostering a culture of collaboration and inclusivity, and advocating for policies that leave no one behind.  

Stay tuned for more updates on our journey towards the UNGA and the Summit of the Future and join us in celebrating the achievements and contributions of our incredible youth leaders. 

Author: Stella Aswani- SDGs Kenya Forum Communications Officer




SDGs Kenya Forum Communications
