Multi Stakeholder Engagement Workshop 2019
Since 2017, the SDGs Kenya Forum has been organizing and convening the annual multi stakeholder engagement workshop as an opportunity for all partners and stakeholders of SDGs implementation to reflect on progress, best practices, challenges and way forward.
The theme for the 2019 Multi-Stakeholder Forum was ‘Leave No One Behind’. True to this, the participation was drawn from around the country, far and wide, including Narok, Kilifi, Kisumu, Bungoma Machakos, Kitui and Nairobi counties. Participants drawn from national and county government, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), private sector and academia converged at Lukenya Getaway Resort in Machakos County on 5th and 6th December, 2019 for the annual workshop.
Mr Mukui, The Economic Planning Advisor from the State Department of Planning, began the workshop as the keynote address speaker. He was keen to note the importance of the SDGs principle to leave no one behind by appreciating everyone’s role in the SDGs implementation process. Additionally, he encouraged all stakeholders to connect the SDGs to the local development initiatives by the government and this comes under the Big 4 Agenda which focuses on Food and Nutrition Security, Universal Health Coverage, Affordable Housing and Manufacturing and are ultimately connected to the SDGs.
The SDGs Kenya Forum National Country Coordinator, Ms Florence Syevuo gave the welcome remarks and proceeded to encourage volitional stakeholders to join the SDGs Kenya Forum as members in order to amplify civil society voices on the SDGs implementation process in Kenya. This was to ensure conformity to the SDGs principle of “Leave No One Behind”. Synergised efforts in SDGs implementation would ensure an accelerated process within the next decade. However, she noted that for this to be achieved, there is a need among the citizens for a sensitization process to be conducted for those who are uninformed about the SDGs especially at county level.
Subsequently, present participants delved into the day’s agenda. One of the sessions had discussants share the role of various stakeholders in the implementation and monitoring of SDGs. It was fascinating to learn of Polycom’s Development Project’s work with women and girls in informal settlements, Strathmore Business School academic niche on the SDGs, KEPSA’s members’ on responsibility over recycling plastic products after they are sold, and the media’s role in positively reporting on the SDGs.
On the second day, participants were able to explore different subject matters including the role of data in the SDG process, the global insights of the Voluntary National Review (VNR) and the progress on the Kenya national VNR. The discussion on citizen generated data led by Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) was emotive for most participants who craved to know the extent of admissibility of data dependent on standards set by international, regional and national statistic committees. It was important to note that admissibility of data by KNBS depended on the methodologies used by an organization during research. To avoid data politics in which research results raise controversies from different political parties, it was recommended that research designs be replicable so that in situations of extreme contest of results, the design can be re-applied to confirm the findings or otherwise. Additionally, KNBS data management pledged support to entities that wished to conduct research through its statistical office in every county.
The SDGs Kenya Forum held its very first SDG Dinner Gala Awards.
The awards were instituted as a catalyst to recognize institutions making a positive change in the implementation and review of the SDGs and thus inspire an accelerated SDGs adoption and implementation - including the use of innovations in order to foster outstanding results. In giving these awards, nominations had been invited (for individuals or organizations) broadly focusing on 3 criteria:
- Extent to which there has been positive impact - particularly in the theme ‘Leave No One Behind’
- Demonstrated ability and future potential to scale up rapidly.
- Commitment and consistency in implementing the SDGs that has been nothing short of innovative and inspiring.
Below are the 2019 awardees:
- Government agencies: The Kenya Parliamentary Caucus on SDGs and Business
- County governments: Makueni County Government
- Private sector: UN Global Compact Kenya - Kenya
- Civil society: POLYCOM
- Youth-led civil society: Champions for SDGs
- Media: The Standard Media Group
- Special category (SDGs champions): Ridhiwani Sadiki
It is through the spirit of partnership by different stakeholders in Kenya that the 2 day workshop was successfully completed. The SDGs Kenya Forum is keen to sustain the workshop in the future as it will allow more room for consultation, sharing of ideas and best practices in the implementation, monitoring and reporting of the SDGs. We encourage more stakeholders to join hands with us for a stronger impact on implementation of the SDGs through to the end of the decade in 2030.
Twende Kazi Na SDGs!