From: May 19th, 2023 - Dec 30th, 2023
Venue: Meru county, Nima ward

Posted on: May 18th, 2023

Community engagement and inclusion of marginalized groups is considered a key pillar of the Kenyan Constitution, Kenya’s Vision 2030 and the Agenda 2030 on SDGs. It is critical in localization of SDGs at grassroots levels, promotes democracy, ownership and inclusivity in decision making processes. Participation of marginalized groups in Kenya is also important in the budgeting process, public procurement, and the legislative process, and fulfills the principle of leave no one behind. Exclusion and marginalization of vulnerable groups in Kenya is still a challenge that has continuously increased inequalities in various continuum including gender, education, health, and employment etc. Therefore, the SDGs Kenya Forum in collaboration with OneToAll Initiative and NETCARE CBOs is convening a community dialogue in Meru County on the 19 th of May 2023, to provide a platform for the community to learn more about SDGs, share knowledge and experience and bring their voice to the local and national development conversation.